Hello World

I’ve been meaning to get back into writing (I say that as if I used to write consistently, except I never did). So I guess it’s more accurate to say that I intend to get into the habit of writing. 

I’d like to think that I’m in the most exciting phase of my life thus far. Here are a few reasons why. 

  1. I am currently in the epicenter of innovation, living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area. A place where you see advertisements for startups while walking along the street. A place where the person walking next to you could be the founder of the next Google or Facebook.

  2. I’m fortunate enough to be a Fellow with True Ventures as part of the True Entrepreneurship Corps fellowship. Every Thursday, we’re treated to talks by innovators at the forefront of the tech industry. 

  3. I’m interning as a data scientist at a cutting edge health startup where I get to work with real data and solve real problems. I’m learning so much everyday by interacting with entrepreneurs and gaining valuable insight into how a startup functions. 

Over the summer, I hope to write about all of these things, along with random musings about the things I see and read, or the places I visit. I also hope to work on a couple of data analytics projects, the progress of which I will be tracking in blog posts over the course of the summer.

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